Re: [Evolution] Sort so un-read messages come to the top?

On Sun, 2017-12-24 at 09:07 +1300, M wrote:
Why not have a simple option to sort by unread?

the column you want to use is called Status, not Read/Unread flag. As
you realized, it accommodates multiple states of the message. It's
usually read/unread, but can also be replied/forwarded/... and them all
together (as it's a bit-or).

And it prevents Evolution from doing a simple common unread-then-
date. instead it makes E do unread messages all over the place and
trying to find stuff that came in today is difficult because that too
is all over the place.  

You can discuss possibilities here first, then, if there's nothing
suitable, you might better file an enhancement request in GNOME
bugzilla, thus the feature can be added in the Evolution:

That yours is doable and I can understand why you want to see whole
thread with read and unread messages, while those unread would be at
the top. I'm unsure whether you use threaded view or not, as that one
may make trouble, because the Status is not propagated into the top
message, only the date is (by default).

In a couple of seconds on TB I have it sorting messages in a logical
manner in the same folder where I can see things rather than throwing

Do you change sorting that often? In any case, hold a Ctrl key and then
press mouse left button over the column header. That one will be added
into the sorting order, rather than replacing the complete sort order,
which is simpler than right-clicking on the column header and picking
"Customize current view...".


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