Re: [Evolution] Couple of questions - profile and bash

On Thu, 2018-02-15 at 15:02 +0000, Pete Biggs wrote:
I've also noticed with the mail folder on the NFS, evolution takes an
age to start, whilst it's almost instant if the folder is on the local

No, don't put the mail folders on NFS.  NFS is horrendously inefficient
and it will, as you've seen, slow things down. It's to do with file
locking and that sort of thing, not with the absolute data transfer

It's also not a wise thing to do to share the data folders.  Rightly or
wrongly Evolution assumes that it knows the state of it's own private
data areas - if another version of Evolution alters that private data
it could cause problems.  It may appear to work now, but it's not a
supported configuration so things may break horribly. Evolution just
isn't designed to work in that configuration.

If you want to share mail between multiple programs, then I seriously
suggest (very, very, seriously) that you set up an IMAP server and
point all your mail programs at that. It will save you having to manage
multiple copies of the data and IMAP is designed to work in that way.

I concur. This is what IMAP is for.

I presume you are currently using POP to retrieve your mail (otherwise
why would you even be wanting to share mail over NFS), in that case you
can use something like 'fetchmail' to retrieve the mail from your
provider and populate the IMAP folders.

In fact if your mail provider offers IMAP as an option, that is by far
the easiest way to go as you don't need to set up anything after
configuring Evolution with the account info. It also means you can get
to your mail from any IMAP client, including on your phone.


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