[Evolution] ews calendar backend error - "The property has an invalid value."


i am using current ubuntu bionic evolution + ews backend and configured
my account.
I got some really "old" evolution 3.10.x which used to work fine parsing
and displaying my ews calendar.

The new version which has this error is 3.28.1 and every time i am
refreshing my calendar i get this error in the top lane:

There was an error in the calendar backend, message was:

"The property has an invalid value."

I already did a 

EWS_DEBUG=2 evolution >& logfile

but i did not find the message there.

Anyone has an idea what may cause this error (which does not occur in
3.10.x) but now in 3.28.1 and where to look for more details?

The Calendar backends on:


does not list the ews one - so i hope using EWS_DEBUG was correct
although i don't know for which message to look there to get an idea
what's wrong with the calendar there.



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