Re: [Evolution] EWS question - deleted/canceled meetings still show up

On Tue, 2017-10-10 at 13:20 -0400, Bryan Everly wrote:
Sorry if this is a n00b question, but I'd love to NOT have deleted/
canceled meetings show up on my calendar. I'm using EWS and have see
this behavior with both a real Exchange server and now with Office365
(we just migrated). Is there a setting or something I can change that
will alter this behavior?

the server usually takes care of meeting invitations/updates, like it
can be setup to automatically add the invitation into you calendar when
it is received by mail. I think it was the default, but I can be wrong.

With respect of evolution-ews, it updates the calendar only if you let
it to do it when clicking respective buttons in the email. That is,
when you receive an invitation, you can Accept/Decline/Tentative it,
when you receive Cancellation, you can 'Update' the calendar event, if
it had been found. There is no automation for this process on emails on
the Evolution side, it keeps it up to the user.

You can setup evolution to delete meeting invitation/update mails after
you process them, that's in Edit->Preferences->Calendar and
Tasks->Meeting Invitations tab->[ ] Delete message after acting, but it
relates to mail messages, not to calendar events.

By the way, what is your evolution and/or evolution-ews version,

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