[Evolution] Quote $ORIG[body] in templates

Coming here from

Evolution 3.10.4 on Trisquel GNU/Linux.

I'm trying to use templates to insert text at the beginning of all

I tried this template:

        Dear $ORIG[from],
        > $ORIG[body]

It ended up looking like this:

        Dear Bob,
        >Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Ut
        tempor, lectus eget pharetra euismod, mauris sem viverra arcu,
        suscipit varius leo dui sit amet ex.
        Nunc sollicitudin lectus sit amet ipsum facilisis imperdiet.

What am I doing wrong?

In replying to HTML messages, $ORIG[body] is completely absent.

When using a template, a blank line is inserted at the beginning of the
message, even though my cursor was never placed there, and it was not in
the template.

Also, Claws Mail templates had a way of specifying the location of the
cursor.  Is there a way to do this?

        Suspendisse nec purus et velit pulvinar tincidunt id quis justo.

And is there a variable to use a defined signature, so I don't have to
hard code it?

Caleb Herbert

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