Re: [Evolution] evolution-list Digest, Vol 140, Issue 6

On Mon, 2017-03-13 at 09:51 -0700, Brewster Gillett wrote:
But seriously, folks; on quite a few listservs over quite a few years, I
have implored 
"Digest" users to explain to me what advantages they feel it confers on
them, and so far
n0t a single one of them has ever come up with anything even remotely
plausible, beyond
the questionable ability to live in denial about how many email messages
they're getting....

This isn't a "listserv" as you call it. It's a mailing list managed by
the Mailman software, which unfortunately has digests as a basic

However a quick perusal of the admin options tells me that it can be
turned off. I'll propose doing this in a separate thread so members can
give their views.


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