Re: [Evolution] How to add a function button on tool bar

On Sat, 2017-07-22 at 16:00 +0200, Dario Lesca wrote:
Il giorno sab, 22/07/2017 alle 03.53 +0200, Andre Klapper ha scritto:

It is possible do that ?

See the bits and pieces in

What means this?

you are right, Evolution has no GUI to change its tool bars, menus and
so on. It's doable when modifying the .ui files directly, which
requires some experimenting, learning, searching and so on. Maybe not
suitable for average users.

I must modify this files .ui to add or modify tool bar?


What is the file to modify?

Let's see. There are several files in the /usr/share/evolution/ui/. You
want to change what, the Mail view? Then there are two obvious
candidates, evolution-mail-reader.ui and evolution-mail.ui. Both have
<toolbar> section, but only the evolution-mail-reader.ui reflects what
you see in the GUI with most of the actions there.

I understand that seeing the file format for the first time can be
confusing, though the names are self-explanatory, from my point of
view. That's why the searching part is involved here as well.

It's possible to put the .ui file modify into my home configuration
folder like ~/.local/share/evolution/ui ?

Yes. That's what the bug report and the references in it say. Again,
it's more techy, thus might not be suitable for average users and is
far from being user friendly with compare of a GUI tool with drag&drop
and such things for it.

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