Re: [Evolution] Evolution EWS: Suddelny I cannot access EWS Calender

On Fri, 2017-02-03 at 10:03 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
Forgot: Evo version 3.22.3 

Anyone? How can I debug this?
I not I can add new calendar entries via owa but these are not seen
in Evo.

I can be completely wrong here, but it happened to me from time to time
that /usr/bin/ntlm_auth calls just got stuck, in the calendar factory,
which resulted in a very similar behaviour you are facing. My
workaround was to rename that /usr/bin/ntlm_auth to something else,
then restart the whole machine (or at least evolution-calendar-
factory). There was a related change in the evolution-data-server in
version 3.22.4, called "camel-stream-process: Avoid call of g_debug()
in the fork process".

If it's not it, then you can run the calendar factory with EWS
debugging on, like this:

   $ EWS_DEBUG=2 /usr/libexec/evolution-calendar-factory -w

then run evolution and try to open the EWS calendar, or just add/edit
an appointment there. There should be some activity in the log. If not,
then catch a backtrace of an evolution-calendar-factory-subprocess
which has "--factory ews" as an argument. These can be seen for example
with `ps ax | grep evolution`. Get the process ID (PID) and replace it
in this command:

   $ gdb --batch --ex "t a a bt" -pid=PID &>bt.txt

Please check the bt.txt for any private information, like passwords,
email address, server addresses,... I usually search for "pass" at
least (quotes for clarity only). The backtrace will show what the EWS
calendar backend does.

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