Re: [Evolution] Long reply time - webkit hogs CPU

On Fri, 2017-08-11 at 17:04 -0500, Greg Oliver wrote:
Hitting reply to emails that are html formatted takes several seconds
(up to 30 on long emails!!!) before I can reply.

is evolution frozen during that time, or it's a WebKitWebProcess being
busy with anything? Evolution 3.22.x uses webkitgtk4. There used to be
an issue with hyphenation in webkitgtk4, but I think you have that fix
included (though I do not know it for sure). There was an issue with
spell checking too.

If it doesn't do anything, neither CPU has higher usage, then the 30
seconds can be a timeout on D-Bus. Try running evolution from a
terminal, it may show something useful there.

Having a backtrace of evolution, eventually of the busy/frozen
WebKitWebProcess, would help.

Note that there are always two WebKitWebProcess-es tight to evolution,
one is for the message preview, one for message composers.
The interesting one might be the later.

I would try it with your test message, but it seems you already removed
it (the link returns Forbidden).

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