Re: [Evolution] URL formatting annoyance

On Wed, 2017-04-12 at 19:03 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
On Wed, 2017-04-12 at 12:07 -0500, Lindsay Haisley wrote:
Some years ago I had an older version of Evolution which automatically
detected URLs in a plain text message and basically made them preformat
ted so as not to break them and make them un-clickable on the receiving
end. This sometimes made for ugly text, but it _worked_! Newer versions
of Evolution will break a URL arbitrarily, willy-nilly in plain text
mode - which is useless - and I have to manually insert a line break
for each line with a long URL and make it preformatted, a bit of a
PITA. Is there any way to get back to the old behavior?
There are few bugs in bugzilla about it - for instance

So it's known about.

BTW, it's difficult to determine what you mean by "new" or "newer"
without the version of Evolution you are using.

Thanks. Yes, newer and older are relative terms, but the point is that
something changed the behavior rather majorly within the past few
years, and not for the better.

Since you asked, though, the version (from Linux Mint) which I'm
currently using, and which presents the issue, is The "older"
version, which does not, is 3.10.4.

Lindsay Haisley       | "The first casualty when
FMP Computer Services |         war comes is truth."
512-259-1190          |       |     -- Hiram W Johnson

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