Re: [Evolution] Version information when building from git - Was: Many strange errors after upgrading to Evolution 3.24.2?

On Wed, 2017-04-26 at 15:19 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
Maybe you could split the difference :) and care about the
"premature" version bump, the maintainers are willing to add the git

At the maintainer

"[snip] I could add -DVERSION_SUBSTRING= and/or -DVERSION_COMMENT= to
our PKGBUILD so it includes the git commit or Archlinux pkgver, but I
won't go into git log to find out which commit does a premature
version bump so I can revert that when packaging a branch snapshot."

okay, that sounds better. Let him use just one of those, better might
be -DVERSION_SUBSTRING="gitXXXXX", which will generate "X.Y.ZgitXXXXX".

I understand that it's a pita to hunt for "Post-release version bump"
commits, but it also makes sense to bump the version after release,
thus it's clear that this version is not 'the previous version'. Or I
just got use to this approach during the years. Each approach has its
pros and cons.
        Thanks and bye,

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