Re: [Evolution] 3.16.5 - avoid replying to meeting request?

Hi Milan,

On Thu, 2016-09-08 at 14:19 +0200, Michael Hirmke wrote:
is there an option, where I can avoid sending an answer when
accepting a
meeting request?

each invitation has its "Send reply to the sender" with a "Comment"
box, just above the buttons for "Accept|Decline|Tentative|Open
Calendar", unless you use anything like evolution-ews, which lefts the
decision whether to send the reply or not on the server (aka the
Exchange server has it as a server-side option, if I recall correctly).

oops, no - this is an Outlook, i.e. client option, not a server option.
Otherwise an admin could decide, if a user must send replies.

Some server has also auto-reply for meeting invitations, the same as
auto-add to your calendar. These are fully server-side settings.

Not for the Outlook/Exchange combination.
Would it be possible to add this option to the ews mailboxes, too?


Michael Hirmke

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