Re: [Evolution] [solved] Is there a workaround for deleting messages after 1 day from the server?

On Wed, 22 Jun 2016 14:45:23 +0200, Milan Crha wrote:
like "delete after half day"?

Yes, even better would be ΒΌ days.

By the way, why do you keep the messages there for one day? Do you
download them on a different machine too?

Yesno, e.g. sometimes I want to retrive a few mails on a mobile
device, after the mails already were received by Evolution, but just
the latest mails, not the mails of a whole day, IOW just the mails of
the last hours. Downloading too many mails or forwarding mails is not
that convenient as simply keeping mails for a few hours on the server.


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