Re: [Evolution] [solved] Is there a workaround for deleting messages after 1 day from the server?

The issue is solved,

Does a feature request make sense, if I would like to be able to change
the "24" (gint day_lag = time_diff / (60 * 60 * 24);[1]) to a smaller
value by the GUI or do you think this is an to unusual wish?

If you want to fix the issue for Arch Linux, but automatically get the
next package version update from the extra repository, download the
snapshots from

Edit the PKGBUILDS, by changing "pkgname=" and "source="

[rocketmouse archlinux evolution-data-server-git]$ grep pkgname=._ PKGBUILD; grep source= PKGBUILD 
[rocketmouse archlinux evolution-data-server-git]$ cd ../evolution-git/ 
[rocketmouse archlinux evolution-git]$ grep pkgname=._ PKGBUILD; grep source= PKGBUILD 

This will build packages without the "-git" extension and the latest
commit of the gnome-3-20 branch, instead of the master, so the packages
will be replaced by the next package version update from the official
Arch repository. You still need to care about a package release update,
e.g. regarding a soname issue and since the package isn't split, you
also need to care about optional dependencies or take a look at ABS how
to split the package [2], but care about everything, not only the

Btw. "Optional Deps" of evolution and "Provides" of evolution-data-
server provided by the AUR PKGBUILDS are nonsense, I didn't edit it, but
perhaps you want to fix it.


[rocketmouse archlinux evolution-git]$ grep pkgname= /var/abs/extra/evolution/PKGBUILD
pkgname=(evolution evolution-bogofilter evolution-spamassassin)


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