Re: [Evolution] [Fwd: You have been unsubscribed from the evolution-list mailing list]

On Thu, 04 Aug 2016 Steve T <stevetucknott yahoo co uk> wrote:
It's my lack of understanding as to how all this works. I had simply
assumed that when I sent a mail to the list, it just went to the list
- and was 'from me'. Any mails then from the list back 'out' (ie to me
and the other subscribers) I had assumed just came from the list (I
thought that ALL Evolution list messages came from the list directly,
not redirected and still using the subscribers EMail)

List messages have traditionally kept the sender's email address, so
that you can see who sent the message and reply directly to them if you

But if I have got this right, you're saying that messages 'from the
list' aren't necessarily marked as being from the list, so Yahoo
bounces them - is that correct?

Well, they are marked clearly as being from a list, but Yahoo's DMARC
policy prevents anyone sending emails "on behalf of", which is
effectively what a list is. The only exception is when the original
message is not altered, but it has to be to add subject prefix, footer

Are all list EMail redirected as if from the subscriber - as if so, I
think I'm still lost as to how ANY mails then get through from the
list to me - surely all mails from the list would fail the DMARC test?

Yahoo and AOL are about the only major email providers that use DMARC.
It was quite controversial when they turned it on, especially with no
notice. For example:


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