Re: [Evolution] Question on placement of "Signature" Evolution 3.16.5

On Wed, 2015-09-16 at 09:33 -0400, John Lauterbach wrote:
Is there a reason that evolution 3.16.5 (and earlier versions) only
allows placement of the "Signature:" at either the top of an e-mail
of the bottom of an e-mail?  I have many cases when I need to add my
business signature (contains my full contact information) to an e
-mail I am writing in response to an e-mail I have received.  I have
"Signature:" set for bottom to cover e-mails I originate.  So,if I
need to add a signature to a reply, It goes to the bottom of what can
be a series of e-mails.

What is the problem with that behavior? 
Putting the signature (starting with "-- ") above some potential full
-quote of a previous message will make RFC-compliant email clients
remove the signature and everything after the signature when replying. 
I imagine that's pretty often not exactly what you want either. :)

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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