Re: [Evolution] Frustrated!

Please, please, please will people say what Evolution version they are

On Thu, 2015-09-10 at 09:03 -0700, Jeffrey Needle wrote:
Hi.  I have tried Evolution, several versions.  I know the older 
versions won't sync my google contacts.  Google has changed something, 
and it's all gone to pot.

Have you changed to using Gnome On-line Accounts (GoA)?  I see you've
asked about google contacts here before and I (and others I think) told
you that you have to use GoA now to get contacts to sync - did you do

I had an idea -- export my contacts and import them into Evolution. But 
no matter which version of Evolution I try, the import just fails.  I 
have a vcard file with about 1600 contacts.  I start the import, and it 
just stops and dies.

Any error messages?  If you start Evolution from the command line, does
it give any more information about the import?  Does it always stop at
the same point?


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