[Evolution] IMAP Folders disappear

Hi all,
I am experiencing a problem, since this morning, when I opened Evo after 10 days of inactivity.
After some minutes, suddenly the main folder of my IMAP account disappears. There are also several subfolders 
in there, which I am subscribed to, and they also disappear. (With "main folder" I mean the folder named 
"[Gmail]" in my GMail IMAP account).
The problem seems to be unrelated to any event I am aware of.
The problem is reproducible, i.e. it happens every time I launch evolution (closing and restarting evo makes 
the folders visible again, until it happens again).
I have tried to investigate the problem by myself (searching on google and in the list archives, with no 
luck), and

CAMEL_DEBUG=all evolution 2>&1

gives me, after the problem happens:

DB SQL operation [BEGIN] started
Camel SQL Exec:
Camel SQL Exec:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Deletes (id INTEGER primary key AUTOINCREMENT not null, uid TEXT, time TEXT, 
mailbox TEXT)
Camel SQL Exec:
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Deletes (uid, mailbox, time) SELECT uid, '[Gmail]', strftime("%s", 'now') FROM 
Error in SQL EXEC statement: INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Deletes (uid, mailbox, time) SELECT uid, '[Gmail]', 
strftime("%s", 'now') FROM '[Gmail]' [no such table: [Gmail]].
Camel SQL Exec:
DELETE FROM folders WHERE folder_name = '[Gmail]'
Camel SQL Exec:
DROP TABLE '[Gmail]' 
Error in SQL EXEC statement: DROP TABLE '[Gmail]'  [no such table: [Gmail]].
Camel SQL Exec:
DROP TABLE '[Gmail]_bodystructure' 
Error in SQL EXEC statement: DROP TABLE '[Gmail]_bodystructure'  [no such table: [Gmail]_bodystructure].
Camel SQL Exec:
DB Operation ended. Time Taken : 0,000118

Don't know if it matters, but that "no such table" message seems to be related to the problem.

Can anyone help me please?

Thank you very much,

Evolution v. 3.12.11

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