Re: [Evolution] Categories in Evo/EWS

On Fri, 2015-01-09 at 12:20 +0100, Milan Crha wrote:
On Fri, 2015-01-09 at 08:06 +0000, Joakim Tjernlund wrote:

Ah, I see. That is tight to OAB URL from the preview tab of the 
account editor. If that is filled, then the "Default GAL" is a 
detected (you should click the 'Fetch List' button beside the combo) 
GAL which can be copied locally. Such GAL gives more detailed 
information for the contacts (still no distinguishment between an 
individual, an organization, a room,....), but definitely more fields 
than with an "online" look up. If I recall correctly the "Default 
Global Address List" is a prefilled string by evolution-ews, when 
nothing was found. I'd not expect this being due to migration, it's 
more about server setup.

The strange thing is that when we enter the account in Evo we only 
get one choice and
that is "Default Global Address List", there is no "GAL Contacts"

My server returns simple "Global Address List", as it's the name which 
it is configured with on the server.

You can see some debugging when you run evolution as:
   $ EWS_DEBUG=2 evolution
then go to the account editor, wait till the buzz on the console ends, 
and then click "Fetch List" button. You'll see what the server 
returns, whether anything useful or any error. Again, to have this 
offline GAL working you should have filled the OAB URL on the previous 
tab, which is usually populated during an autodiscover process, when 
the Fetch URL button is pressed.
We do fill in the OAB URL by pressing the "Fetch List".
To recap we have an empty
"GAL Contacts" and Permissions on that returns Folder ID:
Trying to remove this list returns an error:
"Distinguished folders cannot be deleted."

Then we have, a working
"Default Global Address List" and Permissions on that gives a minor
error: "Id is malformed" but still lists Folder ID:
   b55aabf5-e9a2-4e2f-b94c-6d0e7afbb65d:Default Global Address List
Apparently this name is the standard name in Exchange 2013 

In addition we have two empty lists which can be deleted but these will
return after a while:
They have both the same Folder ID as "GAL Contacts" and might be related
to Lync?

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