Re: [Evolution] [OT] edit keyboard shortcuts

I'd need to edit keyboard shortcuts - happily I found F6 to 
between the 3 sections of the main window, but F6 is not very
for me, so I need to modify it. 

Thanks for that hints. I already found the accels file, but mine 
doesnot include a "F6" entry, so it seems I cannot change the "change 
the active section" key. Is it hardcoded?

But there should be another way of changing keyboard shortcuts:
Highlight the menu item, then press your desired key, described here:

But it doesnt do a thing a my machine (ubuntu 15.04, evo 3.16.0).
Am I too stupid (my guess)? - Or did ubuntu people break it? There is a
very old bug report at ubuntu ( about a similar issue.

Well, obviously I'm the only mouse hater around, not many people are 
seriously bothered...


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