Re: [Evolution] Evolution no longer connects with iCloud IMAP mail

I too can not get my iCloud connection working from Evolution (3.10.4 on
F20).  The server settings for iCloud mail are at:

I do not have any iCloud server to try this on, but as there is a 
difference in settings for IMAP and SMTP, then I would try to use the 
same connection options for both. This doesn't work always, byt maybe 
you can just try. That means, I would use this for receiving:

  Encryption Method: STARTTLS after connecting
  Authentication Type: Login

You can try to "sync" more values, like the Username as well, if only 
this won't work (I think the use of STARTTLS instead of SSL is the 
main difference).

I've tried STARTTLS, but with no joy.  However I note that on the Apple
pages it says:

        Server name:
        SSL Required: Yes
           If you receive errors when using SSL, try using TLS instead.
        Port: 993
        Username: The name part of your iCloud email address
        Password: Your iCloud password
To me that implies that you use TLS on port 993 - whereas port 993 is
supposedly for IMAPS.  Indeed whenever I change the encryption method to
STARTTLS, Evo automatically changes the port to 143 (port 143 is NOT
open on that server).  I can obviously change the port back to 993, but
my question is, does Evo honour that port number?  Whenever I go back to
the config page, the port number has been reset to 143 if I specify

Please note that I am well aware that STARTTLS initiates the connection
in plain text before switching to encrypted and that the SSL connection
negotiates the encryption on connection.  I also know there is a
difference between STARTTLS and TLS, but Evo does not offer a TLS


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