Re: [Evolution] 3.12.5: Failed to refresh folder "INBOX",

On Wed, 2014-10-08 at 23:13 -0400, Eugene Kanter wrote:
This error message The reported error was "Error syncing changes:
Invalid flag specified" is not in

CAMEL_DEBUG=all evolution

there might not be whole error message. I guess, if the error message 
is returned from the server, then you might see in the log only the 
"Invalid flag specified" text (without the quotes).

If we are talking about IMAP, then:
   $ CAMEL_DEBUG=imapx evolution &>log.txt
is all you can get from the debugging of IMAP connection. Usually
   $ CAMEL_DEBUG=imapx:io evolution &>log.txt
is sufficient, because it shows only the communication between the 
server and the client, without additional buzz. The logs always 
contain private information, like message content and server addresses.

What is the server you are connecting too? In case it's an Exchange 
server, or any other which doesn't allow custom flags being stored on 
the server, then your issue might be addressed by this bug report:
which landed in time of 3.12.6.


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