Re: [Evolution] Your message was sent, but an error occurred during post-processing.

I occasionally get this too. I use Evolution with IMAP on various
devices (Desktop,Laptop). I like having all my sent messages "stored"
via IMAP... so regardless of device, I can see what I have sent.

The problem seems to happen when there is a poor network connection - so
Evolution instead stores the outbound message locally. Coincidently, my
outbound Submission is on the same server that hosts IMAP... (possible

It would be cool if when this happens, the message could be later
synchronised into my INBOX/Sent folder when comms are better.

On Fri, 2014-10-03 at 14:38 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:

Your message was sent, but an error occurred during post-processing.
The reported error was "Failed to append to INBOX/Sent: Error appending
message: Stream has outstanding operation
Appending to local 'Sent' folder instead.".

Check that the Sent folder location is correct - go to Edit ->
Preferences -> (Select Account) -> Edit -> Defaults.  The "Sent Messages
folder:" should be something sensible.  If it isn't, click on the box
and select the place where you want your sent messages saved.

Mark James ELKINS  -  Posix Systems - (South) Africa
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