Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Signature or Script at the Insertion Point

On Sat, 2014-05-24 at 12:53 -0700, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
I'm perplexed.  Putting the sig at the end of a top posting will cause
everything after the posting itself to be cut from the reply
Not for the reply you do, but if somebody replies to your reply, than
yes, it does and _should_ remove the signature. Because the "-- "
indicates that everything after it is the signature, also quotes below
the signature are removed.

Quoting signatures is good for absolutely nothing.

When I type in a sig by hand to a top post, I put it after my (top)
post, rather than at the end of the whole message; most posters to
mailing lists that use top posting do the same.
Top posting only is valid for business and private mails, but top
posting is frowned upon mailing lists. IMO even for business and private
mails nobody should use top posting.

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