Re: [Evolution] [Bulk] Signature or Script at the Insertion Point

On Sat, 2014-05-24 at 20:23 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
On Sat, 2014-05-24 at 11:08 -0700, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
Evolution places the signature at the end of the email being composed.
Is there a way to have it placed at the insertion point, which is what
I want when top posting?  More generally, is there a way to insert the
output of a shell script at the insertion point, similar to what can
be done ini vi?

That makes no sense. Everything after the "-- " for good reasons isn't
automatically quoted when you reply. There's no difference for top- and
bottom-posting style. Nobody wants to get replies including tons of
signatures, so the only valid place for a signature is the end of an

I'm perplexed.  Putting the sig at the end of a top posting will cause
everything after the posting itself to be cut from the reply; it will
remove the message to which I'm replying.  In other words, it will do
only too good a job of keeping messages short.  When I type in a sig by
hand to a top post, I put it after my (top) post, rather than at the end
of the whole message; most posters to mailing lists that use top posting
do the same.

I might say, as an aside, that some mail composers that I've used can
outsource the composition editor to an external editor.  MH (now
hopelessly obsolete) did this, which was a feature I liked.  Ckeditor,
among others, could support this function in Evolution.
All the best - jon

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