Re: [Evolution] Calendar-EWS generates zombies [evolution] <defunct>

On Tue, 2014-02-18 at 10:16 +0000, evolution-list-request gnome org

From a terminal do

  EWS_DEBUG=2 evolution

I don't know why the EWS debugging things were omitted from

Thank you. I piped the information into a file ( &> ). I am however not
sure what to look after. The zombies are still created. Evolution does
no longer crash, but the calendar is only incompletely synchronized.
Only events that I have entered today (from a different client) show up.
Manual refresh has no effect.

EWS does work on Evo 3.10.3, it may be that there is something odd
the specific configuration you are using (either at your end or the
Exchange end).  It may just be that you need to clean the cache/index
files - but I don't know enough about EWS and calendars to know if
could be an issue.

It would be great to get a hint on how to clean the cache. I cannot
influence the Exchange end.

If all else fails, then have a look at Davmail - it's a separate
that runs on your own machine that provides standard port interfaces
an Exchange server - i.e. you will see a CalDAV port locally that
connects to the Exchange calendar.  It's not perfect, but it works.

I will try if problems remain.

But it would be far better to work out why Evolution isn't doing the
correct thing.

I agree.


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