Re: [Evolution] Evolution pinging IMAP gmail

On 10 February 2014 15:45, Ambrogio De Lorenzo <ogio spam gmail com> wrote:
Fetchmail supports IMAP as well as POP (see for example: so I still think it's a
possible workaround even if not ideal..
Yes I know, but if I read a message with Evo, it remain to be read on
other devices.

Not sure I understand. Do you mean that fetchmail does not mark the
message as Read on the server? Marking a message as Read is something
the IMAP server does automatically. It would be different if you
wanted to flip the state to Unread, since AFAIK fetchmail doesn't
support that. However I haven't used fetchmail in a long time so I may
have this completely wrong. I do know there's a fetchmail option to
leave messages on the server or to delete them, but I forget which is
the default.


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