Re: [Evolution] Feature Request Reaccept Certificate

Thanks for the detailed information. Yes I also filled in a Feature
Request in the Bugzilla... Still I am not quite sure if this is the
right way to do so. It actually is not a bug... 

Hopefully there will be some more UI stuff in those. Since this happens
not every day it might be forgotten very fast. 

Thankx :)

Am Mittwoch, den 16.04.2014, 11:43 +0200 schrieb Milan Crha:
On Tue, 2014-04-15 at 22:25 +0200, Christian wrote:
After accidental rejecting a certificate permanently I searched about 5
hours for a solution to re-allow the certificate. It would be nice to
have list where you can reallow the certificates you rejected
permanently. I searched first at the certificate settings. I think
creating a new tab there would be a good solution.

I am not sure if this is the correct list for this feature request - if
not where shall I put it?

you are right. There is a feature request along these lines. The mail
certificates has no UI management except of that "accept/reject" dialog,
which is definitely not enough. I noticed a bug filled some time ago,
but I cannot find it now. I think it was similar to:
while I see you also filled:

(If anybody needs to know there is a hidden directory camel_certs where
the rejected certificates are linked. After deletion evolution shows the
accept dialog again)

Correct. It's a private directory for mail-related certificates, where
the copies of the certificates are stored. It's only one half of the
stored information (currently (3.12.x) at ~/.local/share/camel_certs/).
The other half is at ~/.local/share/evolution/camel-cert.db where is
stored actual trust set by the user. Deleting the camel-cert.db file may
drop the stored setting for all certificates at once.

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