Re: [Evolution] Involuntary folder relocations

Brewster Gillett wrote:
Like probably many of you, I have a love-hate relationship with Evo, 

Adam Tauno Williams wrote:

Not I, no hate at all.


Perhaps that's too strong a term. But it's difficult to feel warm
and fuzzy about a program that, in the "CONTACTS", invites you to
populate a "SORT-BY" field, ("File under") and then completely ignores
it. In every version of Evo going back quite a few, the Contacts list
pops up sorted on *first* name; I have inquired about this, and searched
the FAQs, and never found an answer. It strains credulity for me to
believe that nobody else has ever noticed, or commented, on that
particular Evo peccadillo. Does nobody *use* the Contacts list?


, but it does seem to love to put a stick in your spokes when you
least expect it.  Evolution 3.2.3 under Ubuntu 12.04.


In general it seems that software packaged with Ubuntu is quite thorny.


I'm unclear on how that relates to the problem I've described...
... are you suggesting that the 3.2.3. Evo shipped with Ubuntu is
somehow different from the one shipped with, say, Red Hat?


Evo has decided, not based AFAIK on any action(s) I took, to move some
of my folders to entirely different and random spots, and random orders,
in the folder tree.


Yeah.... I really doubt that.


Strictly in the sense of causation, in that, yes, I may have made some
odd or untoward clicks in inappropriate places whilst navigating around,
perhaps. As to the reality of the condition now manifesting, that is not
subject to any doubt whatsoever.

I will try to lay out a comprehensive description - bear with me.


I've seen some occasional oddities with IMAP folder moves - but then who
knows who to blame...  I do not recall every seeing an issue with local
"On this computer" folders.


This has cropped up a time or two in previous versions, where it didn't
go away until the next upgrade. Perhaps I should be looking into finding
a version later than 3.2.3 that will function under 12.04?

I have never used IMAP, so that isn't an issue.

It just strikes me as very odd that Evo let me move that subfolder from
its inappropriate placement back to where it belongs, but will not allow
the primary folder to be moved back to the "top" - and is compounding
the felony by throwing up an "error" window with nothing written in it.


"You can't make socialists out of individualists. Children who know how to
 think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society."

John Dewey, 1859-1952, socialist, "father of modern education," 
member of 15 Marxist organizations, and admirer of Soviet education.
 W. Brewster Gillett            bg fdi us            Portland, OR  USA
 Simply because you don't like to hear it, that doesn't make it untrue.

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