Re: [Evolution] Evolution and multiple identites

On Thu, 2013-07-04 at 10:44 +0200, Paladin wrote:
it is possible to set up Evolution with multiple identites?

I'm trying to do so for some time now and I cannot find a way,
googling doesn't help.

What I need is to assign multiple email addreses to one accout,
      john_doe example org
      johnny example org

And to be able to pick from which I want to respond (autopick based
on folder would be nice but if not possible it's ok).

Is it possible? And if yes, how?

Thanks a lot,

Multiple identies, absolutely!  One account, no.  At least I don't think
so.  I'm trying to figure how you could use multiple email addresses for
one account.  To me, each email address would be a separate account.  If
you wanted messages from either account to go into a john folder, you
could create filters to do that.

Go to Edit->Identities and add an account for john_doe, using
john_doe example org as the email address and the other information as
required, to fit.  Then repeat the process for johnny example org 

When you create a message, you'll see an arrow at the right of the From
field.  Use it to chose which address (account) you wish to use to send
the message.

When you reply to a message, it Evolution pick the account to whom the
message was addressed.  It actually works pretty good except for this
list.  (????)

Hope this helps.


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