Re: [Evolution] Why do I lock myself out all the time?

On Mon, 2013-01-14 at 11:03 +0100, Milan Crha wrote:
On Fri, 2013-01-11 at 14:59 +0100, Rasmus Wiman wrote:
With respect of the kerberos, it really depends on the logs, though
there was done a fix for kerberos logins in evolution-mapi 3.5.4, which
was released on 2012-07-16, and is part of 3.6.x. The fix is part of
evolution-mapi 3.4.4 as well. evolution-mapi is using Samba4 to connect
to your server, thus it reads the kerberos configuration, but from where
I do no not know. They used the /etc/krb5.conf the last time I tried
kerberos logins.

I have a couple Samba4 servers in production;  there tools do indeed use
the /etc/krb5.conf.  The Keberos GNOME-online-account should be able to
get Kerberos credentials that let you connect to Active Directory
enabled components.  Or even kinit / klist.

BTW, the Samba people ask that Samba4 be referred to as "Samba 4" as it
is not a distinct entity from Samba 3, or just "Samba", now that it is
released.  There isn't technically a "Samba 4" vs. a "Samba 3".  Samba
4.x.y replaces / obsoletes Samba 3.x.y, just like Samba 3.x.y obsoleted
Samba 2.x.y.  It is just an amazingly more powerful and flexible version
of has-been-awesome-for-decades Samba.

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