Re: [Evolution] Improve commit messages in Git repository

On Tue, 2012-09-11 at 18:18 +0200, Milan Crha wrote:
The reason is that I'm not going to spend double time on writing commit
comments, especially if the commit is dedicated to the bug report, where
I usually try to explain the cause of the issue and what the patch
fixes, if it looks non-obvious.

I somewhat agree with Paul here.

The commit log in our version control system -- whether that's CVS,
Subversion, Git, or whatever comes next -- represents the canonical
history of Evolution's development.  It dates all the way back to
January 12, 1998 and tells the story up to today.

Our bug tracking system is just a supplemental development tool.  A bug
ticket is useful for discussing a defect and logging the investigation,
but ideally once the defect is fixed and the ticket is closed it should
never have to be visited again in the future.

An extended description of a commit really belongs in the commit log.
It's fine to copy and paste the full commit message into the bug report
but really the commit message + the changes themselves should tell the
whole story without having to open Bugzilla.

Matthew Barnes

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