Re: [Evolution] Strange behavior: checking Options/Sign raised a surch-replace icon

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On Sat, 2012-11-03 at 17:53 +0100, Martin Bitter wrote:
Here it is. The red arrow points to the 'new' icon. It wasn't there
before I clicked on Optionen/Mit PGP signieren (guess it's Options/sign
with PGP in English)

So the icon for "Search for and replace text" is only loaded after
you've clicked the menu entry "Options > PGP Sign" above?
I've never seen that before. If it's reproducible I wonder what happens
if you just click that icon before it's shown (without using the menu),
or if there's output on the shell when loading the composer window.

As these aren't the (default) upstream icons I could also imagine that
something went wrong in your distribution, theoretically.

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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