Re: [Evolution] Feedback and Featurrequest

On Wed, 2012-03-28 at 22:11 +0200, Theodor Zoller wrote:
Hello Everybody,

thank you for Evolution. I'm working now for years with it and I'm still
happy. The Backup-Option was very helpfull on several Changes between
some Dists.
For two of the Year I managed our LinuxUserGroup with Evolution using an
Google-Calendar and by using an Kontactlist. It worked good, thanks.

In this time I hab some Problemes with the List so I now decided to ask
you for an new Featur for the Lists-function.
My Probleme was, when there was an change in an Kontact that belongs to
the List the change was not done in the List automatically. I had to
delet the Kontakt and add it again. This causes mistakes and is
aditional work every time. 
I think this is because the Adresses in the List are just copies of the
original kontakts. In my point of view it would be very helpfull when
the Kontakts are linked to the List so that they can be automatically
updated when there are changes in the Kontakts of Listmembers. This ist
an Feature I haven't found in any other Mailprogramm but I would be very
happy I you include it in future.

Who is the "you" your message is directed to? This list is mainly
composed of Evo users, not developers (with some few exceptions). If you
want to request a feature by all means discuss it here, but in the end
you should file an Enhancement Request on Bugzilla.


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