Re: [Evolution] pipe to programm question

Am Mittwoch, den 15.02.2012, 20:56 +0100 schrieb Nanooq:
Hello all, 

I am trying to pipe an e-mail to a shell-script which stores it as a
file. Unfortunately, there is no reaction or debugging information at
all, so I will describe what I have done: 
1.) I configured a new filter which works well (tested it with "move to
2.) I wrote a script called which is executable, now chmodded
to 777 and contains 

cat > tmpEmail.txt
Piping to this script from commandline works fine. I tested it with 
echo "Hello World" | ./
which created a file tmpEmail.txt with the correct content. 

I just tried your setup and it did create the tmpEmail.txt file with the
mail included. I had created the filter to match on everything.
The problem with your script may be that the tmpEmail.txt file is
created in the directory from where evolution was started, which
probably is a directory like /usr/bin/ where you as a normal user
are not allowed to write to.
Try to put an absolute path to the file to be written to,
like /tmp/email.txt or ~/email.txt. That should work.


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