[Evolution] pipe to programm question

Hello all, 

I am trying to pipe an e-mail to a shell-script which stores it as a
file. Unfortunately, there is no reaction or debugging information at
all, so I will describe what I have done: 
1.) I configured a new filter which works well (tested it with "move to
2.) I wrote a script called SaveMe.sh which is executable, now chmodded
to 777 and contains 

cat > tmpEmail.txt
Piping to this script from commandline works fine. I tested it with 
echo "Hello World" | ./soup.sh
which created a file tmpEmail.txt with the correct content. 
3.) I changed the filter to "pipe to program" and selected
the /home/meUser/Desktop/SaveMe.sh. 
4.) Triggering the filter results in no reaction whatsoever and running
evolution --debug shows no error messages. 

Now, I am quite clueless and would appreciate any help. 



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