Re: [Evolution] No echo on typing; Slow start

On Thu, 2012-04-05 at 12:00 +0000, evolution-list-request gnome org wrote:
(No echo) Frequently evolution does not echo what I type into it, either
header or text; this can usually be fixed by quitting evolution and
restarting it.  Occasionally, it "stutters"; that is echo stops while
I'm entering text, then resumes after a while, showing text that was
typed in while echoing was off.

(Slow start) Clicking on an email link in Firefox there is a perceptible
pause (5 or 10 seconds) before evolution pops up its composition window.

Has anyone seen anything like this?


        Fedora-16 with all updates
        AMD x86_64 1-processor hardware.

Thanks - jon

I don't have an "echo" problem, but cut and past have problems.
Select some text --> cut ... the text does not vanish and re-flow.
Position cursor --> past ... the cursor moves but the added text does not appear.
    also the existing text does not reflow

I must do something to force the compose window to redraw before all appears
as it should.

I don't have these troubles with other apps like browsers, editors, or libreoffice.

EVO v3.2.2 on Linux Mint-12.

~~~ 0;-Dan

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