Re: [Evolution] what are these folder types emae-check-authtype-0x9c6214c 1303399876 22865 4 raker

On Thu, 2011-09-15 at 23:06 -0400, Matthew Barnes wrote:
On Thu, 2011-09-15 at 21:28 -0400, Reid Thompson wrote: 
Could someone tell me what these folders are/why they were 
generated/what they are used for/can i safely rm them?

drwx------  4 rthompso staff  168 Aug 15 13:26 emae-check-authtype-0x9c6214c
drwx------  2 rthompso staff  120 Aug 17 10:13 emae-check-authtype-0x9c62324
drwx------  4 rthompso staff  168 Sep 15 19:14 1303399876 22865 4 raker
drwx------  2 rthompso staff   80 Sep 15 19:14 1301931034 6608 4 raker
drwx------  2 rthompso staff 6112 Sep 15 19:14 1260368437 12086 4 raker

The check-authtype folders look like temporary folders triggered by the
"Check for Supported Types" button in the Authentication section of an
account wizard, which didn't get cleaned up properly for some reason.
Could be a bug there.

The other folders are named after account IDs, which is where Evolution
puts mail files now.

any valid reason the 'check for supported types' should download the
entire mailbox?

$ find emae-check-authtype-0x9c6214c |wc -l

Is there a mapping of uid to account somewhere that I can grep?


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