Re: [Evolution] Evolution-wes

On Thu, 2011-10-27 at 14:26 +1100, L wrote:
how to check what .deb package contains this .pc file? I knew how to
do this in fedora, but just move to Ubuntu. haven't figure out how to
identify what package to install to get  libedataserverui-1.2.pc?

not much idea for Ubuntu for me too. Nonetheless, if properly installed,
you may get some fancy result of command:
   $ pkg-config --cflags libedataserverui-1.2
When I tried on my machine, which has evolution-3.2.x installed, then I
get similar error like you. It's because the file was renamed, its
number is 3.0 for 3.x evolution, so the command:
   $ pkg-config --cflags libedataserverui-3.0
returns what is expected. In case you have installed evolution of 3.x
version, checkout recent evolution-ews and switch to appropriate branch.
It's gnome-3-2 for evolution 3.2.x, gnome-3-0 for evolution 3.0.x. Your
checkout (or tarball) is for evolution 2.x.
        Hope that helps,

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