Re: [Evolution] Exchange && Evo && OWA

El día Tuesday, May 17, 2011 a las 06:37:01AM -0700, Mike Daoust escribió:

You should be able to connect to your exchange profile with evolution from anywhere if its all setup 
properly, at the very least setting up a vpn would allow you use evolution remotely.

If you are trying to send email from public computers you could either remote into your office PC, use a 
mobile device with activesync enabled or just stuck it up and use OWA.  I would type your message in a Word 
program then paste it in to OWA before sending.

I'm talking about this last case: OWA with firefox from (public)

To explain in what I was thinking: I use a plug-in in FF named "all
text"; if there is any text area for editing in FF it has a small button
attached and by click it launches your (configured) editor (vim) with
the text of the area and if you write+quit the editor, the text gets
restored into the text area in FF; this works nicely with OWA too: it
puts the old mail I'm replying to into the editor and I have some key
macros to re-format the mail in a correct way (no top-posting, citation
marks as to be seen above);

ofc this works only on my laptop, because it is based on "all text"
plug-in and some local editor +macros; I was hoping that there is some
such plug-in for FF for OWA which does all this based on default Win
tools, for example

Thanks for your feedback anyway;


Matthias Apitz
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <guru unixarea de> - w
¡Ya basta! ¡Imperialistas occidentales, quitad las manos de Libia!
There's an end of it! Imperialists occidentals, hands off Libya!
Schluss jetzt endlich! Imperialisten des Westens, Haende weg von Libyen!

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