[Evolution] Eudora 7 mailboxes to Evolution 2.30.3


I am using Linux Mint 10 and Evolution 2.30.3 and trying to migrate my
Eudora 7 mailboxes to Evolution.

The import assistant has worked on the In.mbx file ok.

The address book has been migrated via LDIF ok

The Out.mbx migration has only partially worked in that the dates are
not shown in the message list view.

If I open a message then I can see the date in the header but the out
box message list (sent messages list view ) shows "no date" hence I have
no way of knowing when any message was sent nor can I sort on date.

I have been trying various methods for months with no success.

Various email clients give varying results with Evolution and Claws
being similar.

Even Eudora2Unix does not give the date of sent mail in the outbox
(sent ) messages list. Nor does Eudora OSE.

I am sure others must have had this problem but maybe some years ago and
I am reluctantly migrating from Eudora although very happy to move to

I am electronics hardware technical but not overly proficient with
software and intracies

Any help would be appreciated.



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