Re: [Evolution] Up to date exchange-Server-Backend info requested

On Thu, 2011-01-20 at 13:55 +0000, Pete Biggs wrote:

* Although I use Ubuntu I don't think the packagers change anything. So
my version of Evolution 2.28.3 should be pretty stock.

And that's where you are wrong.  The current version of Evolution is
2.32.1.  Ubuntu, in it's infinite wisdom, decided not to package the
most recent version of Evolution and there are lots of improvements in
stability in the most recent versions.  It is unlikely you will get any
joy filing bugs against 2.28.x - bugfixes will be be against the most
recent version.

Evo 2.32.1 is the default in Ubuntu 11.04, which will have its second
alpha release late this month.  The OP could install this and have the

While I'd be hesitant to design bridges or keep financial records with a
somewhat unstable alpha, I haven't had any problems with Evo and IMAP
using some old version of exchange at my former university and natty
alpha-1.   Dual booting between the latest release and the alpha takes
seconds, and would be a good way to see if his problems persist in

Also, there's a ppa for Ubuntu 10.10 to install 2.32.1:

N. B. Day
39Â 28.3964' North, 119Â 48.6346' West, 1403m up
Aurelius up 3:56, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
Linux 2.6.37-12-generic Ubuntu natty (development branch), Gnome 2.32.1

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