Re: [Evolution] question re evolution-mapi and messages marked for deletion

3) depending on setting, message will either be visible in inbox with strikethrough or message will be 
hidden in inbox and message will be visible in Trash

I would add a parentheses to that:

(depending on setting, message will either be visible in inbox with
strikethrough or message will be hidden in inbox) and message will be
visible in Trash

3) depending on setting, message will either be visible in inbox with strikethrough or message will be 
hidden in inbox but only for a short period of time
4) after short period of time (sometimes almost immediately) message will not be visible in inbox 
regardless of settings
    message will be found in Deleted Items folder

I presume that's an exchange configuration issue, not a MAPI/evo one per
se. c.f. the thread a few days ago about gmail's strange imap delete


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