Re: [Evolution] Filtering

On Wed, 2011-01-12 at 10:13 +0000, Pete Biggs wrote:
I'm staring to find my way around now, but how do I get Evo to filter
existing mail all folders. I can do this manually by highlighting the
contents of each folder, and filtering on date received.  I would like
it to do this on start up automatically

Evo will only filter "new" messages in the INBOX - and "new" in this
context means messages that have not been seen either by Evo or by any
other MUA (it's an IMAP function - Evo just asks for a list of new
messages - and "new" does not equate to "unread").

The option to filter new messages is at

  Edit -> Preferences -> Mail Accounts -> (select account) -> Edit ->
Receiving Options -> Apply filters to new messages in INBOX



Thanks Pete
That's a real shame, as Using POP3 I hold about 1.5 GB of mail, which if
I filter on relative age I stop the mail file expanding to much by
either deleting or moving to an archive.
IMAP is not well handled by my isp, virginmedia, I use IMAP on my
Android phone, I only get mail in batches or not at all.
That's not using connection to a cell site, that's using the wireless
interface on my router, so it uses exactly the same route to the server
as this computer. :(
I've got the filtering of incoming mail sorted, the filtering has really
improve since the last time I looked at Evo. But If at sometime in the
future a plugin to allow automatic filtering of existing read mail it
would be a nice feature.

Best wishes / 73
Richard Bown
nil carborundum a illegitemis
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