Re: [Evolution] Evolution-3.2.2: Opening calendar to a specified date?

On Thu, 2011-12-08 at 10:15 -0800, walt wrote:
I will, thanks.  Reading the evolution 3.2.2 code seems to imply that
I must supply both a ?startdate and ?enddate on the command line, is
that correct?

fortunately not, only one is sufficient too.

When I start evolution from a command prompt, it always starts with
today's date (ignoring what I type).  Could you give me an example
of the correct command-line syntax for 3.2.2?

Sure, call it like this one:
   $ evolution calendar:///?startdate=x20111224

the format of the date is YYYYMMDD, and the 'x' at the beginning is
ignored, but should be there - seems like a bug in the code to me.

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