Re: [Evolution] evolution-2.32.1 (FreeBSD HEAD) && calendar not working

El día Wednesday, April 27, 2011 a las 08:22:17AM +0200, Matthias Apitz escribió:

El día Tuesday, April 26, 2011 a las 11:39:20PM +0200, Matthias Apitz escribió:

I think we have now the two options and I will try them in this order:

get evo-exchange 2.32.1 compiled with -g with the normal gcc 421 from

I compiled ports/mail/evo-exchange 2.32.1 with

# make CFLAGS='-g' STRIP=' ' install

and the backtrace of gdb is below; the values overwritten with XXXXX
(..) looked fine; let me know if you need some printed variables (the
gdb ist still halted at the point); HIH

Compiling evo-exchange 2.32.3 works fine with gcc466:

# make CFLAGS='-g' CC=gcc46 STRIP=' ' install

but crashes with the same backtrace when calendar is picked up in Evo.

Just as a side note: a colleague in my office runs Evo 2.32.1 in Linux,
we both have the same mail 'environment' (i.e. same Exchange server, calendar
function, etc.) and his calendar works fine.

Matthias Apitz
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <guru unixarea de> - w

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