[Evolution] Evolution 2.26 Crashes when attemtping to Connect to Microsoft Exchange 2007 ...


I am trying to connect my instance of Evolution (running on Gentoo) to Microsoft Exchange Server (running the 2007 version).

When I attempt to set up the account I enter in the required information (selecting Microsoft Exchange as the account type) and entering in the correct OWA URL (I even tried adding /owa and /exchange at the end of the FQDN after the https://) When I try and authenticate the application asks for my account information and then hangs. I noticed via my desktop traffic monitor that Evolution is in constant communication with the Exchange server but nothing happens (a loop, maybe?) I tried to leave the application running all night to no avail (I am using a LAN connection).

In the receiving options section I made sure to enter in the correct domain controller under the "Global Catalog Server name:" textbox as well as made sure that other options are correct (like the correct email address, etc.)

I have also double-checked to make sure that evolution was indeed complied with Exchange support.

What am I missing? Anything else I need to provide to solve this issue?

Thank you for your time.

Christopher Koeber

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