Re: [Evolution] Schedule a filter?

On Wed, 2010-03-10 at 09:46 -0600, Brad Doty wrote:
Evolution has all these cool filters.  But how do I use them???

Do I really have MANUALLY go to EVERY single folder that I have,
highlight all and click on Message->Apply Filters?

That is INSANE!

And there is NO Empty Trash filter?

Evolution should have a scheduling facility.  I'm not talking about
calendars for meetings and people.  I'm talking about running filters
and empty trash and other jobs automatically.  You use the word
"automatic" in the Help text about filters, but they are NOT REALLY
automatic if I have to stand on my head and hold my breath to use them. 

Filters are disappointing if you cannot schedule them.  And they are
TEDIOUS if I have to go to every folder (including Trash) and apply the
filters (and Empty Trash)


Brad Doty

No, you should not have to manually apply all filters.

When you create a filter, you note whether it is to be applied to
incoming messages or outgoing messages.  If it's declared for incoming
messages, then it is applied to all incoming messages upon arrival.  I
believe that there is an order in which filters are applied based on the
order in which they appear in the message filters dialog. I believe
messages should have all filters applied to them *unless* you declare as
part of some filter's rule to STOP PROCESSING -- I believe that if you
hit a STOP PROCESSING, then any filters further down the path would not
get applied.

What is an empty trash filter?
You can configure evo to empty trash on exit. or you can do File/Empty
Trash. or you can select a particular folder and <CTRL-e>

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