Re: [Evolution] Google calendar issue...

Am Donnerstag, den 29.07.2010, 09:44 -0500 schrieb Eric Lorenz:
Good morning:

I am not sure if this is an Evolution issue or not...but I thought I'd
start here-

I am a new Evolution user (v. 2.28.3, came from Thunderbird) on Ubuntu
10.04. It has been working great, and I love the integration with
GNOME/Ubuntu. I have my calendars pulling from Google (mine, my wife's
and my daughter's) and all has been well...until yesterday. All of the
sudden, even though I have my calendar checked in the list, my data
does not show up. I have double checked the calendar settings, and all
seems correct, and the calendar data is there when I log into my
Google page, but it won't show in Evo. My wife's and Daughter's is
fine. IMPA Mail from Google and all else is good.

Where else can I look? Thanks for the help!

I haven't used google calendars with evolution, but I read something in
the bug database that one should use caldav, not google, when creating a
new calendar interacting with google.
How did you set up your calendars?

Also, you might start evolution from a terminal window and look at the
output. evolution should be in /usr/bin/evolution.

Hope that helps.


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