Re: [Evolution] template

On Sat, 2010-04-10 at 12:35 +0200, renareto wrote:
Hi all,
I'm new to this list. I'm usig Evolution from about 1 year. I've 5
account and I've created a template that I would use with all 5
account. But, the only way I've found to use template is that I create
one and it goes on the template folder and I have to double click it
and change the address.
Is there a way to make somethings like
New-->from template ?

it's usually for replying to a message, so you can find your templates
when you right-click over a message you want to reply to, and there is
Templates->[list of known templates]. When you create a message this
way, then there will be replaced some "variables" with values of a
source message. I'm not sure whether there is any documentation about
this. I agree that having New->With template->[list of templates] makes

Another thing: Is there a way to be notified when  a mail come to one
of the five account?

It's a bit hidden, try Edit->Plugins->Mail Notification, tab
Configuration. There you can setup it.

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